
How do I update my profile information? 

Go to my profile by clicking on the circle icon with your picture/initials > Profile. 


  • Upload a profile picture: Select ‘Actions’ > ‘Change Picture’. Search for the file you would like to set as your profile picture. 

  • Edit your contact details: Select the pencil icon next to ‘Contact Details’. Complete the applicable fields and select ‘Save’.   

  • Add your information: Select ‘Add’ below the applicable heading you wish to add details to. Complete the prompts that appear.    


Please note: Updating information on your community profile will not reflect records on your dashboard or the IPA Group database 


How do I control what information is visible from my profile to other users? 

  1. Go to my profile by clicking on the circle icon with your picture/initials > ‘Profile’.  

  1. Select ‘My Account’ > ‘Privacy Settings 

  1. Update the required drop-down boxes.  

  1. Ensure you select ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the page to save.  


How do I manage my community notifications/emails? 

  1. Go to my profile by clicking on the circle icon with your picture/initials > Profile 

  1. Select ‘My Account’ > ‘Community Notifications’ 

  1. At the bottom of the page, you will see ‘Notification Settings’ 

  1. Change your settings by editing your selection in the drop-down menu for ‘Discussion Email’ or by checking the ‘Consolidated Digest’ setting you wish to apply.  


Will I be notified if someone comments on my post or mentions me in a discussion?  

Yes, you will receive a real-time email notification if another user posts a reply to your thread or someone @mentions you in a post or reply. 


Who do I contact for questions regarding the platform?  

Please complete the contact us form below or contact your local divisional office.  

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